Claylick Fire Department

“Professionally Staffed by Volunteers”

We are Claylick Fire Department and we provide emergency medical, rescue, and fire suppression services to our community along with education opportunities.


We are 100% volunteer run.

Our funding is primarily through donations, grants, and government support.

We rely strongly on donations from people like you to keep our doors open.

Donate to Claylick Fire Dept Here

Our team is made up of great people who desire to serve their community.

There are several ways you can serve your community through Claylick FD including being a firefighter, medical responder, support member, or FOCUS member. Learn more by tapping the button below.

Contact Us

If you have questions about Claylick Fire Department please reach out. Check out our FAQ page first to see if we can answer your question immediately.

Our Kids’ Center

Read-a-long with a firefighter or first responder and check out our tools!